Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The two shows the Wonder Years and Boy Meets World have many similar storylines and both shows are responsible for raising two generations. Some of us grew up with Kevin Arnold, while others grew up with Corey Mathews. Both characters played by the Savage brothers and both characters not nearly good looking enough for their lead ladies. I'll say as a kid I thought it was close between the two girls.  Now as an adult it isn't even in the same ball park. So my question is to everyone, growing up was it Winnie, or Topanga? Also, if it is still Topanga for you, what is wrong with you?


  1. Winnie 100 percent even though she was a huge bitch to Kevin pretty much his entire life.

  2. Topanga growing up but now def Winnie

  3. Never got into Boy Meets World and Wonder Years was just okay. I was more SBTB all day erry day.
