Thursday, May 24, 2012

Red Band Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter trailer

It's probably a little passed time to start giving this flick props here on MHB, it's not like I'm not up for it. In fact it was one of the last two movies cut for Summer Big Board. I have a bad feeling about it's box office because when the trailer played for it before Dark Shadows the theater exploded into laughter when they saw the title. Not going to deter me though. I've had a lifelong love affair with vampires, not the sparkly kind mind you, and throwing Abraham Lincoln into the mix seems creative and enticing to me. I liked the first trailer and this one sells me on it further.

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to it, myself. Its always fun to see history and famous people in history spun round and hurled in a direction like this. Inglorious Bastards is a good example. Who wouldn't want to see Jewish soldiers kill Adolf Hitler? Lincoln killing vampires sounds absurd but the visual of that is enough for me.
