Monday, May 21, 2012

Prometheus x Coors Light TV spot

As you can probably already tell, we at MHB are anxiously awaiting the release of Prometheus as much as any movie in years.

To this point, the marketing campaign for director Ridley Scott's first foray back into sci-fi in nearly 30 years has been on point. With every new trailer, featurette and viral video, new and salacious details are meticulously released leaving viewers trying to piece together theories on the well-guarded plot of the film.

Prometheus' new co-branded TV spot with Coors Light is no different. Whatever happens at the :17 second mark is certainly interesting and as usual, leaves us with more questions than answers.


  1. Starting to look like fire might be a key in the movie. Noticing it increasingly.

  2. I see Prometheus making a lot at the box office in a couple of weeks but I just don't hear enough chat about it outside the advertising. And unless you're a fan of the Alien series and of sci fi in general, I don't think you'd appreciate this prequel (you meaning the general public of course). But I still can't wait and think its going to kick ass and a part of me hopes that the opening weekend for it will make people want to spread the word about how good it is. I may sound overly confident about a movie I haven't even seen but I have a knack for these things. Haha
