Thursday, May 31, 2012

Details on Wachowski brothers next project

 The film will center on a Russian immigrant (Mila Kunis) who works as a maid and does not realize that she is an exact genetic match as the Queen of the Universe. Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum are already on board and an offer is out to Joseph Gordon Levitt. Sounds pretty promising if you are a sci-fi fan, here's a snippet from the article.

These evolved beings fall into various different groups, all of which share some human DNA but who have become evolved after being bred with animal DNA to heighten their best characteristics — e.g., soldiers getting their fearlessness, strength, and a pack mentality from wolves; workers getting their industriousness and reputation for diligence from bees.

Pretty soon, a bounty hunter of the evolved-being type is dispatched to dispose of the girl, they fall in love. And for having fallen for his target, the bounty hunter — who we hear will be played by Channing Tatum — well, let’s just say that things get messy after that, because his employers take a-less-than-enlightened-being reaction to his decision to protect rather than kill her.

Click here for more 

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