Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sensitive Shane?

I know what everyone has always wondered. It's not the answers to life, where did we come from, how do I live forever, what would it be like to be a porn star, or even who shot first Han or Greedo? The real question on everyone's mind is what is Shane's favorite movie. Well folks I know the answer to that million dollar question. While looking at Shane's vast collection of movies from Ong Bak all the way to The King's Speech you have to wonder what could a man who has such a wide variety of movies single out as his go to, favorite, most loved film. Well here it is boys and girls. You are welcome for me solving the great enigma that has kept you up late at night.

This little clip here will get Shane crying like a little girl who just found out Justin Beiber died everytime!!!!


  1. Moulin Rouge is up there, perhaps when I was a younger more romantic man it was even number 1. Now however my favorite movie is a little diddy called Almost Famous. Love everything about the movie.

  2. Beamin outta nowhere with the chair shot haha.

  3. How one could like both DMX and Moulin Rouge is beyond me. But I'm no saint either haha.

  4. I try not to judge, but it's so hard.
