Monday, May 21, 2012

Best looking upcoming Fall Shows I've seen so far

This is the best of the bunch, a JJ Abrams produced show about a world where all of our technology suddenly stops working. The world plummets into chaos but there is one girl who may hold the key to restoring it all, and the badass reluctant family member who has to help her. PEEP THIS

A modern take on the Sherlock Holmes tale, has potential and Lucy Lu as Watson is kind of interesting in my opinion.
Kevin Bacon joins the tv ranks as a former FBI agent who is forced to return to duty when a dangerous serial killer escapes prison and inspires madness in other deranged souls. This has a chance to be a monster hit for Fox, the trailer looks good enough to be a movie.
This will likely get canceled because it has too much going on it but it's a pretty unique looking show.

1 comment:

  1. I'll give Revolution a shot for sure. Not sure about the Kevin Bacon show though. Seems for fit for the big screen. Not sure if I can tolerate being strung along like that for a whole season. If I wanted to watch a show where it never gives you and resolution I'd go back and watch Lost
