Wednesday, May 23, 2012

One more reason 3D is effing awful

In some truly bizarre movie news G.I. Joe has had it's release date pushed back 9 months, 1 MONTH BEFORE IT'S SET TO OPEN!! Truly nuts. The studio says they are doing so in order to shore up the films 3D so it can be bigger hit in foreign markets. I believe this as the movie has accumulated very sound buzz on the internet through improved casting and impressive trailers, I don't think they have any reason to rework the finished product. I also think this will be a bad decision, these things are like a fighter training for a fight, all the training is designed to lead to you peaking the night of the fight. The marketing for G.I.Joe has hooked people and built them up for the movie, I feel delaying now is going to make the film miss the mark a little bit. You can read more in depth if you choose here. This hits close to home here on MHB as G.I.Joe had the coveted #7 spot on our Summer Big Board. As it will no longer be a summer 2012 movie release check back later tonight to see what takes it's place on the Big Board.

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