Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Slow news day means rumor time!!

This is news that warms your heart, if you know anything about comedy. According to the director and Will Forte a MacGruber is sequel is in the works. This is kind of shocking because the movie bombed brutally at the box office but has picked up steam since it's DVD release. It happens sometimes and it couldn't have occurred for a more deserving project. I mean this in all seriousness, I think MacGruber is one of the 10 funniest comedies of all time. I laughed at it the way I laughed at movies like Dumb and Dumber and Happy Gilmore as a kid, a hard feat to occur as an adult. The movie never let up and I have no reason to doubt that a sequel will be just as good because it sounds as if all parties will return. Of course it has no official shooting dates and hasn't been greenlit but the article linked above suggest they are pretty confident it will be made.
This news may be even a bit more exciting because pre production is apparently under way, it appears as if a Kick-Ass 2 is coming our way. The only red flag is I can't find anywhere that says there is a start date or anything stating it's official however in this interview the director of the sequel spoke at length about the project and even says the reason he is in London is to begin pre production. Good enough for me especially because he gives a start date of September. For fans of the original you'll want to know that he has had a sit down with Chloe Moretz about the direction of her character in the movie so apparently Hit Girl will be present in some capacity. The first movie kind of shocked me it was violent and dark in ways I did not expect, but totally pulled it off. The movie was irreverent, original, and refreshing which is hard to do in todays played out comic book movie market. The film could have easily been a disaster but Mathew Vaughn made it must see and Nicolas Cage and Chloe Moretz particularly shined. As soon as this gets a release date I'll be counting down the days.


  1. I heard a rumor that Prometheus is going to be straight up garbage and that this blog should be called Prometheusfalsehypebeast.com

  2. Obviously didn't hear it on MHB bitch.
