Friday, May 18, 2012

Jeremy Renner....the next Jason Bourne?

This post is going to come off like I have a problem with Jeremy Renner, which is simply not true. I like him just fine. He’s not enough to sell me on buying a ticket just to see him, but he’s never done anything that I can point at and say “fart” about. In fact he rocked my nuts off in The Town and I’ll go as far to say he made Hawkeye more likeable than I had expected in The Avengers.
Seems cool enough to me
My problem is when I start really thinking about the guy and his roles I wonder why Hollywood  insists on selling Renner as an action hero. Unless you are the captain of his fan club I imagine when you think of his career these films come to mind; the upcoming Bourne Legacy, Hurt Locker, The Avenger, The Town, and Mission Impossible 4, and maybe his heel turn in S.W.A.T. In all these movies Renner play a tough guy, and most of the time it’s a “you have no shot if you cross paths with me type bad ass”. I can’t help but question why this is, he seems like a really talented actor having nabbed two Oscar nominations already in his career, so why can’t we see him tackle some dramas for a change? I just have a hard time buying him as an ass kicker because he’s so small. He’s listed at 5’8 but that seems questionable when you see him on screen, as he is just of a small stature. Honestly, it looks ridiculous when he’s smacking around an in the best shape of his life Ben Affleck in The Town.

I’ve never seen The Hurt Locker, from my understanding it’s a war drama, so I’ll give him a pass there but it gets included because he’s an army type. I’ll let The Avengers go because he’s playing a superhero, although he has no power so it’s a little strange that he can kick anyone’s ass but I’ll play along. It would be hypocritical to light into him for MI4 given that Tom Cruise is the star of that movie and I’m not certain he’s isn’t 5’5. (Tom has earned his perception as an action star though through 30 years of action heroism, and the fact he is beloved here on  Hell, I’m feeling so generous I’ll even accept his role as James Coughlin (The Town) because he set the screen on fire with his intensity in that supporting spot.  
This guy gets to do what he wants
Where I take a stand, damn it the place where I will dig in and hold the line no matter what, is giving him the reigns to the Jason Bourne franchise. I’m not having it, not today, not tomorrow, and not when someone inevitably comes to me and throws out the fact that Matt Damon is only 5’10. There’s just a difference, if Damon isn’t truly big enough to be a big action star he’s at least talented enough to act like one. I never had one second hesitation buying Damon breaking necks and punching people faster than the camera could keep up, it’s just not like that for me when I see Renner attempting the same. I see this little guy throwing people around to me and it reminds me that I’m watching a movie, that this is all totally fake, and when you have those thoughts in your head during a flick the film has failed.

As you can see from the trailer, the movie actually looks ok, but that’s really beside the point for me because I don’t find it believable and worse it feels so unnecessary to me. The Damon trilogy changed action movies, influenced the entire direction of the James Bond franchise, the way they film hand to hand fights in the Batman movies is clearly derived from the Bourne franchise, and there have been no shortage of Bourne movie impostors out there like Green Zone (shaking my head at you Damon, you should have known better) and Traitor with Don Cheadle. I understand the want to continue the franchise but certainly hate the decision because for me Jason Bourne was those movies. I went to see them for his story, not because of Treadstone. I don’t have any desire to find out what the Aaron Cross (Renner’s character) story is all about, and even if I did I wouldn’t buy Renner in the role.
Doesn't make my summer top 20
This guy looks like a hero, or anti hero I guess

Peruse Renner’s imdb and you can see he’s had some non action hero roles earlier in his career, but one look at the list and you can’t argue what direction he’s tracking. All I’m saying is that for me the big action hero thing isn’t working so lets mix it up a little going forward, and if at all possible never make another effing Bourne movie without the title character in it.

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