Monday, May 21, 2012

Charlize Theron Prometheus Featurette has some unseen footage

I screened this video for those who are wary of spoilers and I didn't see any. Although it does have a little footage we haven't seen and a couple shots of the sets which are neat. Hearing Charlize Theron's genuine excitement for the film and how much she enjoyed shooting it actually  raised my own excitement level for this bad boy. Enjoy.


  1. I didn't notice any significant spoilers either. I was glad to see Charlize was in Prometheus when I first heard of the movie. I think it was a good pick by Ridley because she's played a wide range of challenging roles and even though this new character of hers seems a bit robotic from the previews, I have feeling she's going to be as good as Sigourney Weever was in Alien, once we see Prometheus in its entirety.

  2. I didn't notice any significant spoilers either. I was glad to see Charlize was in Prometheus when I first heard of the movie. I think it was a good pick by Ridley because she's played a wide range of challenging roles and even though this new character of hers seems a bit robotic from the previews, I have feeling she's going to be as good as Sigourney Weever was in Alien, once we see Prometheus in its entirety.

  3. I feel you on Charlize, I think she's good in most roles she takes. She was even decent in Aeon Flux so I know she can tackle sci-fi. It seems like for whatever reason she's not in as many high profile roles anymore so I'm glad to see her back in the spotlight. It's something that seems to happen to femal actresses for some reason, when they peak at their craft and win an Oscar thru immediately start getting less meaty roles. Theron, Kidman, Halle Berry, and Renee Zellwegger all come to mind. That's actually besides the point, got off topic. The movie looks amazing and the cast as a whole is looking impressive.
