Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Game of Thrones Cast to expand for epic season 3

Season 2 of Game of Thrones wraps up this Sunday but EW has already gotten their hands on the casting list for next season. Here is a list of characters from the book that will be making their way onto the small screen next spring.

Mance Rayder: A former member of the Night’s Watch who became the “King Beyond the Wall,” the leader of the Wildlings.

Daario Naharis: A confident and seductive warrior.

Jojen Reed; Meera Reed: A teenage brother and sister duo with special insights.

Edmure Tully: A brash young member of the Tully family.

Ser Brynden Tully (The Blackfish): Catelyn Stark’s uncle.

Lady Selyse Florent: Stannis Baratheon’s wife.

Shireen: Stannis’ daughter.

Olenna Redwyne (The Queen of Thorns): Margaery Tyrell’s sharp-witted grandmother.

Beric Dondarrion: A skilled knight who is the leader of the outlaw group Brotherhood Without Banners.

Thoros of Myr: A red priest who follows the same religion as Melisandre.

Tormund Giantsbane: A Wildling raider.

According to Benioff and Weiss “It’s important to point out that that we have the largest cast on television right now. We introduced dozens of new characters in season two. If you hurl 300 characters at an audience, the story collapses under the weight of too many faces, too many names, and too many subplots. We need to be just as mindful of the audience members who have never read the books as we are of the readers; the series will fail if we only appeal to those who already know the characters. So we try to be parsimonious about how many new roles we introduce to the story and when we introduce them.”

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