Thursday, May 31, 2012 reviews Snow White and the Huntsman
When it comes to movie reviews the webiste I trust the most is The staff there thought process concerning movies always seems in line with my own. So I'm very pleased that they gave #4 on the Summer Big Board a glowing review and overall score of 8/10. Click here to read full review
New Trailer for the Fake Bourne
It's no secret that we around the Beast aren't sold on Renner as the next Jason Bourne but it's hard to argue that the trailers haven't looked promising so far. Today we have a new one and it seems the movie will occur within a close time frame of The Bourne Ultimatum.
Details on Wachowski brothers next project
The film will center on a Russian immigrant (Mila Kunis) who works as a maid and does not realize that she is an exact genetic match as the Queen of the Universe. Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum are already on board and an offer is out to Joseph Gordon Levitt. Sounds pretty promising if you are a sci-fi fan, here's a snippet from the article.
These evolved beings fall into various different groups, all of which share some human DNA but who have become evolved after being bred with animal DNA to heighten their best characteristics — e.g., soldiers getting their fearlessness, strength, and a pack mentality from wolves; workers getting their industriousness and reputation for diligence from bees.
Pretty soon, a bounty hunter of the evolved-being type is dispatched to dispose of the girl, they fall in love. And for having fallen for his target, the bounty hunter — who we hear will be played by Channing Tatum — well, let’s just say that things get messy after that, because his employers take a-less-than-enlightened-being reaction to his decision to protect rather than kill her.
Click here for more
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Game of Thrones Cast to expand for epic season 3
Season 2 of Game of Thrones wraps up this Sunday but EW has already gotten their hands on the casting list for next season. Here is a list of characters from the book that will be making their way onto the small screen next spring.
Mance Rayder: A former member of the Night’s Watch who became the “King Beyond the Wall,” the leader of the Wildlings.
Daario Naharis: A confident and seductive warrior.
Jojen Reed; Meera Reed: A teenage brother and sister duo with special insights.
Edmure Tully: A brash young member of the Tully family.
Ser Brynden Tully (The Blackfish): Catelyn Stark’s uncle.
Lady Selyse Florent: Stannis Baratheon’s wife.
Shireen: Stannis’ daughter.
Olenna Redwyne (The Queen of Thorns): Margaery Tyrell’s sharp-witted grandmother.
Beric Dondarrion: A skilled knight who is the leader of the outlaw group Brotherhood Without Banners.
Thoros of Myr: A red priest who follows the same religion as Melisandre.
Tormund Giantsbane: A Wildling raider.
According to Benioff and Weiss “It’s important to point out that that we have the largest cast on television right now. We introduced dozens of new characters in season two. If you hurl 300 characters at an audience, the story collapses under the weight of too many faces, too many names, and too many subplots. We need to be just as mindful of the audience members who have never read the books as we are of the readers; the series will fail if we only appeal to those who already know the characters. So we try to be parsimonious about how many new roles we introduce to the story and when we introduce them.”
Mance Rayder: A former member of the Night’s Watch who became the “King Beyond the Wall,” the leader of the Wildlings.
Daario Naharis: A confident and seductive warrior.
Jojen Reed; Meera Reed: A teenage brother and sister duo with special insights.
Edmure Tully: A brash young member of the Tully family.
Ser Brynden Tully (The Blackfish): Catelyn Stark’s uncle.
Lady Selyse Florent: Stannis Baratheon’s wife.
Shireen: Stannis’ daughter.
Olenna Redwyne (The Queen of Thorns): Margaery Tyrell’s sharp-witted grandmother.
Beric Dondarrion: A skilled knight who is the leader of the outlaw group Brotherhood Without Banners.
Thoros of Myr: A red priest who follows the same religion as Melisandre.
Tormund Giantsbane: A Wildling raider.
According to Benioff and Weiss “It’s important to point out that that we have the largest cast on television right now. We introduced dozens of new characters in season two. If you hurl 300 characters at an audience, the story collapses under the weight of too many faces, too many names, and too many subplots. We need to be just as mindful of the audience members who have never read the books as we are of the readers; the series will fail if we only appeal to those who already know the characters. So we try to be parsimonious about how many new roles we introduce to the story and when we introduce them.”
Insightful read on reality of G.I Joe mess
It's becoming more widely reported that the real reason behind G.I. Joe being pushed back is the negative reaction to the film during early screenings. Specificaly people being upset with the lack of Channing Tatum in the film. Tatum has become a box office success over the summer and the studio wishes to capitalize on that and have ordered massive reshoots to work his character into the movie more prominently. For some good behind the scenes insight click here.
First Prometheus reviews
Steven Weintraub (Collider) via Twitter:
"Prometheus is the type of big budget sci-fi that studios rarely make. Extremely well done. Don't read reviews. Just go see it.
Click here for more reveiw quotes
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Bale talks future of Batman and new TDKR TV spot
TDKR marketing blitz rages on today with a new tv spots and a telling interview with Bale and Nolan done by Empire magazine. If you want some insight into whether or not this is the end for Bales Batman click here.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Get used to this
Set to open this December you can expect no shortage of Django Unchained pictures here on The Beast. A Tarantino joint starring Leondardo DiCaprio, give me a break. Just typing that is enough to give you half a chub. Here are the first pictures released from the film. Rumor has it that a teaser trailer may be attached to a little movie called Prometheus.
*Bonus Nugget- Will Smith was wined and dined for the starring role filled by Jamie Foxx. Smith ulitmatly passed on the role because he's a chickenshit and this movie would be to outside his comofrt zone. Honestly look at the roles he's taken since he made it big in Independence Day. He is the most catious unimaginitive actor going right now.
*Bonus Nugget- Will Smith was wined and dined for the starring role filled by Jamie Foxx. Smith ulitmatly passed on the role because he's a chickenshit and this movie would be to outside his comofrt zone. Honestly look at the roles he's taken since he made it big in Independence Day. He is the most catious unimaginitive actor going right now.
Good Interview with Charlie Hunnam
If you don't watch Sons of Anarachy go eff yourself, you're missing out. It's not the some old carbon copy tv show 90% of other programs are. It's gritty and intense but manages to have a lot of heart, the dudes in the show are outlaws but you find yourself pulling for them. Heres a Q&A with Jax Teller himself in which he drops some cool insights into his thoughts on the show and his future. Click Here for interview.
Voices we grew up with read A New Hope
Thursday, May 24, 2012
MovieHypeBeast Staff Reviews: Battleship
Battleshit was awful on so many levels that I almost lost count. Almost.
Salacious B. Crumb
I highly doubt Peter Berg will ever be given the keys to the mailbox at his apartment complex after this colossal failure, let alone another big budgeted franchise film.
Red Band Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter trailer
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
The two shows the Wonder Years and Boy Meets World have many similar storylines and both shows are responsible for raising two generations. Some of us grew up with Kevin Arnold, while others grew up with Corey Mathews. Both characters played by the Savage brothers and both characters not nearly good looking enough for their lead ladies. I'll say as a kid I thought it was close between the two girls. Now as an adult it isn't even in the same ball park. So my question is to everyone, growing up was it Winnie, or Topanga? Also, if it is still Topanga for you, what is wrong with you?
The Dark Knight Rises TV Spot
Is this
It wouldn't be MHB without some Prometheus goods and it comes to us today by way of Prometheus on Facebook. A couple of tv spots to be exact. No big deal. Only click if you are interested in seeing an AN ALIEN WE HAVEN'T SEEN YET Obviously if you consider that a spoiler then steer clear.
One more reason 3D is effing awful
In some truly bizarre movie news G.I. Joe has had it's release date pushed back 9 months, 1 MONTH BEFORE IT'S SET TO OPEN!! Truly nuts. The studio says they are doing so in order to shore up the films 3D so it can be bigger hit in foreign markets. I believe this as the movie has accumulated very sound buzz on the internet through improved casting and impressive trailers, I don't think they have any reason to rework the finished product. I also think this will be a bad decision, these things are like a fighter training for a fight, all the training is designed to lead to you peaking the night of the fight. The marketing for G.I.Joe has hooked people and built them up for the movie, I feel delaying now is going to make the film miss the mark a little bit. You can read more in depth if you choose here. This hits close to home here on MHB as G.I.Joe had the coveted #7 spot on our Summer Big Board. As it will no longer be a summer 2012 movie release check back later tonight to see what takes it's place on the Big Board.
Walking Dead is going to be a seriously different show next year
Here is the first official image of Michonne portrayed by actress Dani Gurai. A sword wielding zombie killer, pretty much the only thing the show was missing.
Huntsman Featurette
We are under two weeks away from the opening of Snow White and the Huntsman (#4 on the MHB Summer Big Board) as you've probably noticed from the marketing blitz on your television. This movie is going to be a fascinating watch at the box office as the marketing has clearly went all in on attracting young male viewers selling the movie as an action fantasy. I think the trailers have been great but I wonder if the demographic they are targeting will be able to overcome the fact the source material is best recognized as a children's story. Anyways here is a featurette of the Huntsman played by Thor's Chris Hemsworth.
To peep, just click here.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Leo and Baz together again
I have never read The Great Gatsby but you tell me there's a Leonardo Di Caprio and Baz Luhman feature film interpretation this December I'm in there. Sadly after watching this trailer I still have little idea what the movie/book is about, but since it's Baz I know there will be amazing sets and quick camera shots.
As I expressed yesterday the final Dark Knight Rises poster was junk. Perhaps MovieHypeBeast has Hollywood's attention because today they released 3 bad ass character posters for the film. Overall I enjoy teaser posters and character posters better than the actual movie poster but I do feel these are greatly superior to yesterdays product. It's in the tone of the great teaser poster of Bane walking away from the broken mask and seeing all the major players individually in that empty setting hints at the finality of what's to come. I dig.
If you are so inclined you can see the international character posters at this link, but I warn they are not quite as cool.
If you are so inclined you can see the international character posters at this link, but I warn they are not quite as cool.
Sensitive Shane?
I know what everyone has always wondered. It's not the answers to life, where did we come from, how do I live forever, what would it be like to be a porn star, or even who shot first Han or Greedo? The real question on everyone's mind is what is Shane's favorite movie. Well folks I know the answer to that million dollar question. While looking at Shane's vast collection of movies from Ong Bak all the way to The King's Speech you have to wonder what could a man who has such a wide variety of movies single out as his go to, favorite, most loved film. Well here it is boys and girls. You are welcome for me solving the great enigma that has kept you up late at night.
This little clip here will get Shane crying like a little girl who just found out Justin Beiber died everytime!!!!
What should have been, but never was
Shane and I stumbled upon these years ago. Now these people are true fans, and also true nerds to the core. Honestly though, you have to respect the work that is done on both trailers. The Thundercats trailer uses a combination of clips and scenes from actual movies, while the Batman vs Superman uses stuff that they made themselves. Really worth a quick view just to see what we missed out on.
Batman vs Superman (fan made trailer)
Thundercats The Movie
Batman vs Superman (fan made trailer)
Thundercats The Movie
Slow news day means rumor time!!
This is news that warms your heart, if you know anything about comedy. According to the director and Will Forte a MacGruber is sequel is in the works. This is kind of shocking because the movie bombed brutally at the box office but has picked up steam since it's DVD release. It happens sometimes and it couldn't have occurred for a more deserving project. I mean this in all seriousness, I think MacGruber is one of the 10 funniest comedies of all time. I laughed at it the way I laughed at movies like Dumb and Dumber and Happy Gilmore as a kid, a hard feat to occur as an adult. The movie never let up and I have no reason to doubt that a sequel will be just as good because it sounds as if all parties will return. Of course it has no official shooting dates and hasn't been greenlit but the article linked above suggest they are pretty confident it will be made.
This news may be even a bit more exciting because pre production is apparently under way, it appears as if a Kick-Ass 2 is coming our way. The only red flag is I can't find anywhere that says there is a start date or anything stating it's official however in this interview the director of the sequel spoke at length about the project and even says the reason he is in London is to begin pre production. Good enough for me especially because he gives a start date of September. For fans of the original you'll want to know that he has had a sit down with Chloe Moretz about the direction of her character in the movie so apparently Hit Girl will be present in some capacity. The first movie kind of shocked me it was violent and dark in ways I did not expect, but totally pulled it off. The movie was irreverent, original, and refreshing which is hard to do in todays played out comic book movie market. The film could have easily been a disaster but Mathew Vaughn made it must see and Nicolas Cage and Chloe Moretz particularly shined. As soon as this gets a release date I'll be counting down the days.
This news may be even a bit more exciting because pre production is apparently under way, it appears as if a Kick-Ass 2 is coming our way. The only red flag is I can't find anywhere that says there is a start date or anything stating it's official however in this interview the director of the sequel spoke at length about the project and even says the reason he is in London is to begin pre production. Good enough for me especially because he gives a start date of September. For fans of the original you'll want to know that he has had a sit down with Chloe Moretz about the direction of her character in the movie so apparently Hit Girl will be present in some capacity. The first movie kind of shocked me it was violent and dark in ways I did not expect, but totally pulled it off. The movie was irreverent, original, and refreshing which is hard to do in todays played out comic book movie market. The film could have easily been a disaster but Mathew Vaughn made it must see and Nicolas Cage and Chloe Moretz particularly shined. As soon as this gets a release date I'll be counting down the days.
Let's Rate the Hate
Since I was little I have absolutely loved movies. When I was little I was up all night watching the worst martial arts movies you could find, when I was a teen I was working at the theatre and sneaking people in by the thousands ( I almost bankrupted the movie industry), and finally now that I am older I spend my weekends either at the theatre or chilling on the couch watching a movie. Movies are probably my greatest material love. But they are also my greatest hate. Yes I am that guy, and yes I am going to use this blog as my outlet for hatred for some of the dumber movies, plots, characters, trilogies and anything else I can possibly put on blast.
For my first post I think there is only one way to go. I love Star Wars, I mean I really love Star Wars. Whether it is the movies, books, comics, games or cartoons I enjoy the whole universe. Except for the Rogue Squadron stuff because that ish is for nerds. So when I was sitting in the theatre with my popcorn in my hands, a smile on my face, and a boner in my pants when the credits started rolling for the final installment in the series I never could have imagined how unfulfilled I would feel when the lights would come back up. So for starters I am going to take a little time to crush some things about Revenge of the Sith.
First off the dialogue is just absolutely pathetic. During any exchange between Padme and Anakin I could literally have just thrown up. Never have two people phoned in a performance more and I don't blame them. Nobody should be expected to deliever such crap lines with any conviction. Then there is the final dialogue between Anakin and Obi Wan which had no sense of direction at all. Two of the coolest characters of all time, about to face off and Lucas just has them opening their mouths and fart noises coming out. Really robbed cinema of what could have been a great exchange.
Secondly Anakin had the quickest and most unispired heel turn of all time. Are you kidding me? He went from saving galaxies to killing little kids in the blink of an eye. It essentially went like this
Emperor: Anakin join me and lets kill little kids
Anakin: No way I'm the chosen one
Emperor: Ahhh, come on just do it
Anakin: You are right. What is your bidding my master
The book does a much better job showing what leads Anakin down that path but the movie really left a lot out. Just didn't make much sense for him to just betray everyone that quickly.
Yoda goes out like a little bitch. I hate how much kids like that guy. Listen all he ever did was hold Count Dooku to a draw. He just flipped around all gay and kids went nuts. He was the leader of the council and he slips and falls then it's game over??? Yoda went and hid until he just one day crawls up into his little tree bed and vanishes to be one with the force. Yoda is a failure and he actually allowed the demise of the jedi order. Just because he put in a few days of trainning with Luke doesn't redeem that guy in my eyes.
Finally, we get to the final fight scene. We've all been waiting for it since the trilogy began. Obi Wan vs Anakin, master vs apprentice, brother vs brother. I knew sitting in the theater that there was no way that this fight could let me down. I will in no way crush the fight itself. The two of them really went at it and the choreography for their lightsaber duel was great. But the way the fight ended was so stupid that it almost ruins the whole damn thing. Obi Wan gets to the "high ground" which is a very slight elevation over where Anakin is floating in a river of lava. So Obi Wan tells him basically that the fight is over, Anakin being stubborn and arrogant goes for it anyways and Obi Wan cuts off his legs and arm. Here is my A, B, and C on why that makes no sense at all.
A. Anakin could have just been like "you know what, I'm just going to float down there and then get off and walk down here and kick your ass."
B. Anakin had literally just jumped 50 yards from a falling platform onto this tiny thing floating in lava. You mean to tell me that Anakin can't jump 10 yards up over Obi Wan and then walk down and destroy him?
C. Let us rewind to two films earlier when Obi Wan is getting handled by Darth Maul. Obi Wan is hanging off the edge of a huge pit. Maul is standing over him a few feet up with his lightsaber in hand. Is that not the high ground? I am supposed to believe that a young padawan Obi Wan can pull himself up and do a flip over Maul, who was known for being a total badass and who could repel laser blasts but oh no he can't react to a guy flipping up over him from several feet down.
Don't get me wrong the movie is still a good movie I just feel they could have really done some things better. Also on the list but not detailed for pissing me off is how easily Obi Wan beats Grievous and makes him look like a total chump. All in all there is only one thing to blame. George Lucas is an idiot and there will be more on that eventually.
For my first post I think there is only one way to go. I love Star Wars, I mean I really love Star Wars. Whether it is the movies, books, comics, games or cartoons I enjoy the whole universe. Except for the Rogue Squadron stuff because that ish is for nerds. So when I was sitting in the theatre with my popcorn in my hands, a smile on my face, and a boner in my pants when the credits started rolling for the final installment in the series I never could have imagined how unfulfilled I would feel when the lights would come back up. So for starters I am going to take a little time to crush some things about Revenge of the Sith.
First off the dialogue is just absolutely pathetic. During any exchange between Padme and Anakin I could literally have just thrown up. Never have two people phoned in a performance more and I don't blame them. Nobody should be expected to deliever such crap lines with any conviction. Then there is the final dialogue between Anakin and Obi Wan which had no sense of direction at all. Two of the coolest characters of all time, about to face off and Lucas just has them opening their mouths and fart noises coming out. Really robbed cinema of what could have been a great exchange.
Secondly Anakin had the quickest and most unispired heel turn of all time. Are you kidding me? He went from saving galaxies to killing little kids in the blink of an eye. It essentially went like this
Emperor: Anakin join me and lets kill little kids
Anakin: No way I'm the chosen one
Emperor: Ahhh, come on just do it
Anakin: You are right. What is your bidding my master
The book does a much better job showing what leads Anakin down that path but the movie really left a lot out. Just didn't make much sense for him to just betray everyone that quickly.
Yoda goes out like a little bitch. I hate how much kids like that guy. Listen all he ever did was hold Count Dooku to a draw. He just flipped around all gay and kids went nuts. He was the leader of the council and he slips and falls then it's game over??? Yoda went and hid until he just one day crawls up into his little tree bed and vanishes to be one with the force. Yoda is a failure and he actually allowed the demise of the jedi order. Just because he put in a few days of trainning with Luke doesn't redeem that guy in my eyes.
Finally, we get to the final fight scene. We've all been waiting for it since the trilogy began. Obi Wan vs Anakin, master vs apprentice, brother vs brother. I knew sitting in the theater that there was no way that this fight could let me down. I will in no way crush the fight itself. The two of them really went at it and the choreography for their lightsaber duel was great. But the way the fight ended was so stupid that it almost ruins the whole damn thing. Obi Wan gets to the "high ground" which is a very slight elevation over where Anakin is floating in a river of lava. So Obi Wan tells him basically that the fight is over, Anakin being stubborn and arrogant goes for it anyways and Obi Wan cuts off his legs and arm. Here is my A, B, and C on why that makes no sense at all.
A. Anakin could have just been like "you know what, I'm just going to float down there and then get off and walk down here and kick your ass."
B. Anakin had literally just jumped 50 yards from a falling platform onto this tiny thing floating in lava. You mean to tell me that Anakin can't jump 10 yards up over Obi Wan and then walk down and destroy him?
C. Let us rewind to two films earlier when Obi Wan is getting handled by Darth Maul. Obi Wan is hanging off the edge of a huge pit. Maul is standing over him a few feet up with his lightsaber in hand. Is that not the high ground? I am supposed to believe that a young padawan Obi Wan can pull himself up and do a flip over Maul, who was known for being a total badass and who could repel laser blasts but oh no he can't react to a guy flipping up over him from several feet down.
Don't get me wrong the movie is still a good movie I just feel they could have really done some things better. Also on the list but not detailed for pissing me off is how easily Obi Wan beats Grievous and makes him look like a total chump. All in all there is only one thing to blame. George Lucas is an idiot and there will be more on that eventually.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Prometheus x Coors Light TV spot
As you can probably already tell, we at MHB are anxiously awaiting the release of Prometheus as much as any movie in years.
To this point, the marketing campaign for director Ridley Scott's first foray back into sci-fi in nearly 30 years has been on point. With every new trailer, featurette and viral video, new and salacious details are meticulously released leaving viewers trying to piece together theories on the well-guarded plot of the film.
Prometheus' new co-branded TV spot with Coors Light is no different. Whatever happens at the :17 second mark is certainly interesting and as usual, leaves us with more questions than answers.
To this point, the marketing campaign for director Ridley Scott's first foray back into sci-fi in nearly 30 years has been on point. With every new trailer, featurette and viral video, new and salacious details are meticulously released leaving viewers trying to piece together theories on the well-guarded plot of the film.
Prometheus' new co-branded TV spot with Coors Light is no different. Whatever happens at the :17 second mark is certainly interesting and as usual, leaves us with more questions than answers.
Big Dave's top 5 Unexpected Nude Scenes (but I'll take it)
5. Jason Segel: Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I was not expecting to see any peckers in this movie and im glad i did because i thought it made the break up scene between his character and Sarah super funny.
4. Ken Jeong: The Hangover. When Mr. Chow pops out of the trunk all crazy with the biggest bush to go with the smallest dong ive ever seen i could not stop laughing.
3. Diane Keaton: Somethings Gotta Give. I gots to give her mad props cause shes got a nice shape. No way any dude could be unhappy if your old lady looks that good naked when they are that old (66).
2. Leslie Mann: The Change Up. I thought I might see some tits in this movie but not hers and the fact that she is pretty much buck naked makes it even better. Nothing sexier than a hott cougar taking a shit.
1. Jason Segel: Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Not only did he show his beans and mash once but he did it again in the end of the movie and once again it was unexpected and funny as hell.
4. Ken Jeong: The Hangover. When Mr. Chow pops out of the trunk all crazy with the biggest bush to go with the smallest dong ive ever seen i could not stop laughing.
3. Diane Keaton: Somethings Gotta Give. I gots to give her mad props cause shes got a nice shape. No way any dude could be unhappy if your old lady looks that good naked when they are that old (66).
2. Leslie Mann: The Change Up. I thought I might see some tits in this movie but not hers and the fact that she is pretty much buck naked makes it even better. Nothing sexier than a hott cougar taking a shit.
1. Jason Segel: Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Not only did he show his beans and mash once but he did it again in the end of the movie and once again it was unexpected and funny as hell.
Charlize Theron Prometheus Featurette has some unseen footage
I screened this video for those who are wary of spoilers and I didn't see any. Although it does have a little footage we haven't seen and a couple shots of the sets which are neat. Hearing Charlize Theron's genuine excitement for the film and how much she enjoyed shooting it actually raised my own excitement level for this bad boy. Enjoy.
The final poster for Dark Knight Rises is garbage
I don't think you could make a much less inspired, generic, or lazy final poster for this film. TDKR deserves way better, it's number one on the MHB BIG BOARD DAMN IT!!!
Best looking upcoming Fall Shows I've seen so far
Skyfall Trailer!!
I don't think you have to be a big James Bond fan to be excited about the new Skyfall trailer. I am not a James Bond guy, never have been. That doesn't change the fact that both Daniel Craig outings as Bond have been high octane thrillers that have delivered memorable action sequences. Even Quantum of Solace which was kind of doody was still a good watch for the action. There is good buzz around this entry to the series and this trailer is a nice start to the marketing.
Killing Them Softly sounds right up my alley
This is a movie that just got on my radar today with the release of the first teaser poster, which I think looks pretty sweet. Stars Brad Pitt as an enforcer. Check. It's a gangster movie with Ray Liotta. Check. Set in Boston. I'm officially powerless against not seeing this movie. Opens September 21.
Here is the synopsis
Cogan (Brad Pitt) is an enforcer, and when the mob's rules get broken, Cogan is called in to take care of business. This time a high-stakes card game has been held up by an unknown gang of thugs. Calculating, ruthless, businesslike, and with a shrewd sense of other people's weaknesses, Cogan plies his trade, moving among a variety of hoods, hangers-on, and big-timers, tracking those responsible, and returning "law and order" to the lawless Boston underworld.
Here is the synopsis
Cogan (Brad Pitt) is an enforcer, and when the mob's rules get broken, Cogan is called in to take care of business. This time a high-stakes card game has been held up by an unknown gang of thugs. Calculating, ruthless, businesslike, and with a shrewd sense of other people's weaknesses, Cogan plies his trade, moving among a variety of hoods, hangers-on, and big-timers, tracking those responsible, and returning "law and order" to the lawless Boston underworld.
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