Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wimbeldon Fever

Wimbeldon to me is a undercover joint. I really enjoy this movie and although I never would have picked Paul Bettany as a leading man for a movie I think he delivers well. But that has nothing to do with why I am posting about it tonight.Much like the lead character in this film, who had no business winning and making it all the way to the championship, our very own MHB leader Shane went out today and got a win in his first ever official tennis match.  Some poor, poor fool stepped on the court for their usual routine Wednesday league game. What they couldn't have expected was on the other side of the net was a young man who had it in their head they were heading to war. All week Shane has been focused on his match and the poor bastard he played brought a knife to a gun fight. I can only imagine the fist pumps and hateful glares that Shane sent in this guy's direction. Either way hats off to Shane and this post is for you and your victory. Make us proud and keep it up." So keep winning"

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