Saturday, June 23, 2012


What was once years of internet rumblings about a bio-pic constantly being put on hold by Spielberg is now a green-lit film well into pre-production. I thought Liam Neeson was a good choice but when he backed out of the project and my favorite actor of all time got involved I was very excited and thought "My God, of course!". Titled 'Lincoln', the film will cover his road to the presidency and how the Civil War defined it and him. Mary Todd, his wife, will be played by Sally Fields and rising star Joseph Gordon Levitt will play their eldest son Robert. Soon I'll be making a trip to the theater to check out Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Why? Because its about Abe killing vampires, that's why. There aren't a whole lot of people talking about 'Lincoln' yet but I predict they will by the beginning of next year. As you can see from the above photo, Lewis has the likeness pretty down pat and judging from his performances as the Butcher and the very cold Daniel Plainview from 'Blood', his performance as the sixteenth president will be a must-see for anybody who's a fan of the actor or the man himself. This film is largely based off of Doris Kearns Goodwin's 'Team of Rivals' which I've read twice and absolutely love so I see great potential here. Lincoln is one of the most admired and beloved figures in all American history. He's a pop culture icon and its about time we got a modern movie where he's finally front and center.


  1. They might as well go ahead and mail Daniel Day- Lewis the academy award for this one. Unreal how much that guy can nail it. I will be seeing our 16th president killing vampires tomorrow. Should be a good time. Good job keeping the blog running while Shane is away Big D.

  2. I agree, both he and Spielberg can expect oscars their way come 2014. And thanks, I've enjoyed sharing my input with you guys.
