Monday, June 18, 2012

Never get tired of Savages video

There's really not a lot more I can say about Savages at this point, it's a movie that people within the industry are excited for. Oliver Stone has had more misses than hits lately but when he's on his game you can end up with Platoon, JFK, or Any Given Sunday. When he's off you get Alexander. All indications are that he's back on his game for this and the way they are promoting the hell out of it you can tell the studio is hoping they have a sleeper big summer hit on their hands. Today they released a lot of cool trailers showcasing interactions between the characters.

Laguna Beach entrepreneurs Ben (Johnson), a peaceful and charitable Buddhist, and his closest friend Chon (Kitsch), a former Navy SEAL and ex-mercenary, run a lucrative, homegrown industry—raising some of the best marijuana ever developed. They also share a one-of-a-kind love with the extraordinary beauty Ophelia (Lively). Life is idyllic in their Southern California town…until the Mexican Baja Cartel decides to move in and demands that the trio partners with them.

When the merciless head of the BC, Elena (Hayek), and her brutal enforcer, Lado (Del Toro), underestimate the unbreakable bond among these three friends, Ben and Chon—with the reluctant, slippery assistance of a dirty DEA agent (Travolta)—wage a seemingly unwinnable war against the cartel. And so begins a series of increasingly vicious ploys and maneuvers in a high stakes, savage battle of wills.


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