Tuesday, June 19, 2012

B.D.'s top 10 NES games Part 1

I recentley watched the 100 greatest video games of all time on G4 and it got me thinking about my favorite games for all the systems that I have had over the years starting with my NES all the way to my XBOX 360.  Im going to start with the NES. These arent in any order just my 10 favoirite.  Lets start with 5 of them

  MARIO 3:  By far was the NES game I played the most and at the time blew the doors off everything else.  Not only did you get the great side scrolling action that the franchise perfected but it was full of secrets that made you feel like a pimp when you discovered them.  I remember getting the leaf that turned you into a racoon and some how you could fly.  Why a racoon suit made you fly I have no idea but it was fucking awesome. By the way I knew how to get all 3 whistles.

SUPER-C: This game was awesome.  I actually played this before I ever played Contra and I think its alot better.  Super C had great levels and the weapons were bad ass.  It was truley a game that was more fun with a friend playing along side you, if you got the spread gun and your partner got that machine gun it was curtains for those aliens.

MIKE TYSONS PUNCH-OUT: 007-373-5963 thats the code that takes you right to the man himself.  I think its funny that code is still in my brain over 20 years later.  The best part of this game was the characters, guys like Glass Joe, Piston Honda, Bald Bull ect.  I can proudly say that I actually beat Tyson a time or two and it was glorious.  GO LITTLE MAC!!  By the way I always thought little Macs trainer looked like Carl Winslow from Family Matters.

WWF WRESTLEMANIA:  Not much to say about this one but i think it was one of the first games I ever owned and at the time I loved it dearly.  I have recentley played it and its fucking terrible but ill never forget it.  Just like He-Man it was awesome at the time but it was just because I was like 5 or 6 years old.

TMNT ARCADE:  I think this has to be a fav of anybody thats ever owned an NES.  Great two player action, awesome levels and it even had a Pizza Hut tie in wich was the first time I ever saw advertising like that in a game.  Anybody could be decent at this game if they hit the buttons fast enough but the cool thing was that you could actually get really good with certain turtles. I was best with Donatello and sucked with Raphael.


  1. Can't argue with any of those 5.This list will be a shanm if Ninja Gaiden doesn't make next 5 though!!

  2. Captain Skyhawk was another obscure but good one.

  3. I may take the original Contra over Super-C but no chief complaints. Swimming through the water and disarming the bombs on TMNT is one of the funnest things ever to do on a video game.

    Ninja Gaiden, RC Pro-Am, Tecmo Bowl, Double Dribble, Metroid, Friday The 13th also in the mix.
