Thursday, June 21, 2012

BD's top 10 NES games part deux

Ninja Gaiden:  first off  this game is really fucking hard and you only get like 3 men and 1 continue which is bull shit.  I thought ninja gaiden had great graphics and awesome cut scenes, it has been credited for being one of the first games that tried to be someone cinematic. All around fun and easily makes my cut. 

Duck Tales:  Laugh if you must but anyone who has played this will agree that its alot of fun.  It has a Mega-Man format which makes since for a Capcom game.  Running around as a rich bastard duck beating the shit out of enemies with your cane is pretty awesome.  DT has a bunch of secrets to find along with good boss battles and catchy music which makes for a great game

MEGA-MAN: Im not going to pick one certain game from the series because i really like them all.  MM gives the player alot of satisfaction because you start out as a turd armed only with a pea shooter that makes it hard as hell to beat the bosses.  The great thing is when you do beat one and get there gun all you need to do is figure out which boss that new gun will literally beat with like 6 hits.  All the bosses are unique and difficult and like I said just a great deal of satisfaction when you beat'em.
DOUBLE DRAGON II:  Most people seem to like the first DD more and I agree its a very good game but I always leaned towards this one since you could play with 2 players at once.  This was one of the first games I remember beating and the cool thing was I did it with my dad as my partner in crime.  Great game play, semi difficult levels and karate what more could you ask for.

DR MARIO:  Last but not least is Dr. Mario.  The wife and I go through phases when we will play the shit out of this game against each other.  There is alot of strategy involved and its a very addictive game.  I will also say there aint many people out there that can hold a candle to me in this game.

Well thats it.  I plan on doing a top 10 for Sega, SNES and maybe another system but we shall see.
I actually beat all of the games on the list except for Ninja Gaiden and maybe a Mega-Man or two


  1. Agree with most of your selections but really starts to come off the rails with Dr. Mario and Duck Tales.

    Much more deserving titles.

  2. What the hell do you know anyways

  3. Beating Ninja Gaiden is literally one of the great achievements of my life.

  4. Ninja Gaiden also the most maddening game of all time.

    1. Bouncing off of enemies when you get hit.

    2. If you go backwards having enemies reappear is the pits, especially when it comes to having to jump from place to place with shit flying everywhere.

    3. Gaiden will give you a serious case of Nintendo thumb in no time flat.

  5. I can't think of a more infuriating game off hand.

  6. The level with the wind blowing in different direction made me almost break a controller

  7. I love the Double Dragon games. But yeah, a lot of the NES games were maddening. Good list too.
