Friday, June 8, 2012

5 reasons Rock of Ages will succeed

                                 Younger demo may turn out because of Glee

5.) Fox's smash hit Glee just wrapped it's third season and shows no sign of slowing down. It's a bit of a pop culture phenomenon and the musical styling on the show are very similar to what we've been treated to in previews so far. Given the taglines about "the music of your generation" and such it's evident that the studio is banking on the 40 plus crowd to turn out for the film, but with the tunes familiar to all, bright colors, dancing, and auto tune music there's a good chance a younger demographic will be attracted to the movie.

                                                  Alec Baldwin is hilarious
4.) Alec Baldwin has successfully reinvented himself in the Autumn of his career as a funny man to the tune of 6 starring seasons on 30 Rock and several Emmy's to go with it.  He's also cemented himself as an all time great Saturday Night Live host so we know he can bring the funny. He also tends to have a good eye for movie projects these days, finding his way into monster hits like The Departed and It's Complicated when he can steal time away from filming on his TV show. The guy is a stud and he is going to bring some serious laughs alongside Russel Brand, the chemistry the two have plays well in the glimpses we've seen from previews.
                                                   Movies set in the 80's are always funny

3.) Being set in the 80's brings a lot to the table. It gives you the chance to play on nostalgia, and gets to poke fun at a time that almost looks like it belongs on another planet. Comedies that are set in the 80s play well. Wedding Singer, Hot Tub Time Machine, and Take me Home Tonight all brought some serious funny. Fact is in hindsight the 80s were a funny time, with funny clothes, and funny music. Everything about the 80s promotes a good time and that comes across in the previews, you feel safe in plopping down your $10 bucks for this film because you know you're settling in for a party on screen. It's enticing in a time in history that is quite a bit more stressful than the shenanigans taking place on screen.

                                                             Tom Cruise

2.) Tom Cruise is back. After a 5 year banishment from the A-list he's back. Coming off the highest grossing movie in his career he's picked a great role to showcase his range and play on the comedic chops people fell for during his role in Tropic Thunder. You could have slapped a wig on about any middle age actor and rolled him out for this part but getting Tom fricking Cruise in a role far, far removed from anything we've ever seen him do is brilliant. It's just one more selling point for the film. Come see one of the biggest movie stars of ALL TIME in a role you never dreamed you'd see him in. The fact that Tom Cruise even accepted the role speaks volumes, no matter what you think of him he doesn't often appear in bad movies. If you think I'm wrong look at his IMDB sometime, very few movies that weren't successful either critically or financially.

                                                    People actually really like musicals

5.) Here's a fact that is often overlooked: musicals succeed. They just do. Obviously they don't thrive in the manner they did in the 20s-60s but when they have been released in the last 10 years audiences have been receptive. Disregarding animated movies that are heavy on song here is a list of musicals that have been financially successful (many nominated for Oscars)in the last 12 years. Moulin Rouge,Chicago, Dreamgirls, all three High School Musicals, Hairspray, Mama Mia, Sweeny Todd, and Mama Mia amongst others.  It's counter programming, in a summer with super heroes battling left and right, alien invasions in all directions, here is a movie with romance and comedy. And as a bonus there is music, and not just music it's 80s music, the most cliche 80's music you can think of. That's perfect though, they're the songs that you get drunk at a bar listening to and sing along every single word because you've heard it a million times. That's not enough though, you are going to want to hear it a million and one times, because you want to see this movie. People will show out for this movie, they may not want it in bulk, but people do like to see musicals and Rock of Ages looks like a great one.

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