Thursday, August 9, 2012

'Paradise' Lost

In Prometheus news, a sequel rumored right now to be called 'Paradise' is scheduled for a 2014-2015 release and director Ridley Scott is reportedly "very excited" about getting started. Damon Lindelof who cowrote Prometheus with Ridley as of right now is out of the next project so they are still searching for a replacement. As I've said before, I was pleased with Prometheus overall and I really look forward to the next movie. I assume characters David and Shaw will be the only human figures, with the introduction of a lot more engineers and their biological terrors. I gave Prometheus a pass on some of the unanswered questions considering there will be a next film, maybe three. But I'd really like to know how the derelict space ship from the first Alien movie crashed on LV-426 (LV-223 being in Prometheus and not Alien) and why there were eggs on board with more complex species and not vases like the ship in Prometheus. So hopefully questions like those will be answered eventually. Maybe we'll see a "return" of the xenomorph that bursts from Kane's chest back in the film from 1979. Fingers crossed.

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