Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Jurrasic Park IV

I don't know how many of you are fans of the Jurassic Park movies or care to see a fourth but it looks like a fourth is green-lit and scheduled for a 2014 release. Steven Spielberg will only be producing and will not be involved in the writing or directing in anyway. Mark Protosevich, who screen wrote 'Thor' and 'I Am Legend' is set to write the screenplay for this fourth installment, according to Spielberg himself. It will be a sequel and not a prequel. This is about as much as I could gather thus far so early on but I am personally a big fan of the first Jurassic Park movie as well as 'Lost World'. Jurassic Park was revolutionary not only for the special effects of the time but because it was an original concept. What separated it from the stop motion animation black and white monster classics like King Kong was that it brought the modern and prehistoric ages together in a very realistic albeit horrifying way. You even felt a sympathetic connection to many of the dinosaurs even when it was clear they didn't belong. Spielberg and the producers really did their homework on this one and consulted with expert paleontologists so you were given a legitimate demonstration of why humans came after and why the two species never could have coexisted. I can't believe its been over twenty years now since I first saw it because it still seems new to me but all and all a very enjoyable picture and hopefully the fourth will strive to return to that place that made the first so successful.

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