Sunday, July 1, 2012

So far this week I went and saw two movies. One of which was Brave and the other being Ted. So far this has been a great summer for me and Ted really delivered while Brave did not. Brave was a pretty short film and just didn't do too much. I'm a big fan of most Disney movies and most Pixar movies but this one really let me down. There was very little comedy and the story wasn't really anything new. Just your typical rebellious girl character who is great with a bow and arrow ( yes this is actually a typical character) and nothing new in the princess who doesn't want to be promised to some guy without choosing. Disney did actually do a good job not giving away too much of the plot in the trailers so I will give them credit for that. The movie has been well recieved though so I wouldn't be surprised if that flaming red hair makes it on screen for a sequel.

The picture above should tell you all you need to know about this movie. It totally lived up to all the hype and all of my expectations. I absolutely loved the little, filthy, foul mouthed teddy bear and I am not ashamed. Even Wahlberg gives his best to be funny and doesn't do a half bad job. I don't want to give away too much of the funnier things and appearances in the film but I highly suggest everyone get out there to see this movie. Enjoy it and leave the theatre with the satisfying feeling in your mind from knowing it is sure to get a follow up film after the great weekend that Ted had.

1 comment:

  1. I'm taking mom to go see Brave at some point because she wants to see it. Friends at work say Ted is absolutely hilarious.
